Saturday, March 21, 2009

Another Awesome WOW Interview- with Shawn Woods

I was able to interview World of Warcraft Expert Shawn Woods about his latest WOW guide,OR Gold Guide, this is actually his second guide, he loves helping players and he gives you some great tips, read the interview below to find out more about this world of warcraft expert and gamer... In A Hurry for a Leveling Guide! Click Here!
Other wise read the interview about his NEW GOLD GUIDE BELOW...

1. Can you tell us a little about yourself Shawn.

Name is Shawn Woods, been playing WOW since beta stages. I’ve got more than 20 level 70s, and 2 level 80’s at this moment (almost 3 level 80s), and about 120,000g on my BANK character. (I also have Mammoth mounts on both my level 80s). I’ve been a gamer my whole life. From Star Wars Galaxies to Helbreath, and even Quake and Super Mario Bros. Love games.

2. What was your experience before you got started with World of Warcraft?

Before I was into WoW, I was playing FFXI. I got kinda bored, and my best friend introduced me to WOW. He let me use his BETA account to play and loved the game.

3. Can you tell us how you come up with this great idea.

Well, my gold guide is not my first guide. My first guide is a extremeleveling which is a leveling guide for WOW. The leveling guide came into place quite easily when I was leveling a lot of characters. Anyways about my gold guide, I had the idea when I was playing WOTLK beta. Basically I was just making a bunch of gold doing daily quests, and it just went from there.

5. Is your targeted market in all of the World of Warcraft, or just certain area's of the game?

My target market is simple. If you want to level quickly or earn gold fast, I’ll show you how.

6. Are there any small tips you would like to share with these readers, what they can expect from your guide, and why this guide is so important to there success?

Go to my website and download my free guide! You can expect my guide to be 90% WOTLK related. That’s where the gold is at. Also I do market speculation which I will be sending thru e-mail. If you get the timing dead on, you will make thousands of gold.

7. Is there anything you wished you could of changed about your program?

Everything is going good with my guide, and there isn’t anything that I would change. I’d like to add that when WOW progresses, I’ll be adding more content and updating my guide.

8. Do you have any advice to the millions of World of Warcraft players, and why this guide is going to help them in the game.

Just a small tip, if you want to make a lot of gold easily, take up mining and herbalism, and go to Wintergrasp. This small tip can earn you at least 500g MINIMUM per hour if you know what you are doing. =]

This guide like my previous guide is going to help WOW players because

1. like my previous guide, its an easy read.

2. No matter how much you spend on playing WOW, you can use my guide to good use.

If you would like to know more about Shawn's Gold Guide Go Here:Click Here Extreme Gold Secrets!

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